Overview on BIO. ASPECTS
Identifying trends and connecting options require understanding biotech and grasping industry

Economy + Technology

To make an informed investment into or a well thought-out commitment in the very complex biotech sector, it is essential to have an economic AND technical perspective.


If the technical background is not understood, an investment based on supposedly "safe" economic criteria may fail. Basically, this also applies vice versa. Ideally both views should be accordingly combined with questions or analyses.


Thus, with regard to the economic part, like identifying trends and connecting options, it is key to understand biotech. Moreover, it is important to grasp industry characteristics based on the specifics of this technology. 


These individual pages on the BIO. ASPECTS (with a quite German focus) give you quite detailed backgrounds to inform you as well as to show my know-how, skills and methodology.


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Questions about questions that we should discuss. Above all, your further questionsI would appreciate talking with you!